Ameristar offers a broad range of both insured and uninsured tax information products. Working with lenders, servicers, title companies, attorneys, investors, and individuals; our team of experts has cultivated a broad range of experience and expertise translating into swift, accurate results for our clients. We can also coordinate direct integrations into your systems to help further improve your efficiencies. Call today to discuss how we can assist you with your tax information needs!
Tax Report
A Tax Report is an on-demand snapshot of a property’s tax payment status and assessment information. Available nationwide, key elements include all general assessment data and current tax status information for the specified property. We can also offer both volume and batch processing of data and/or orders.
Tax Certificate
A Tax Certificate is our full service tax solution providing insured assessment and tax status information for a specified property. Designed for title and settlement services, this can be obtained and updated at any point in a transaction. Add-on features can also be applied to further cater towards reverse mortgage or foreclosure work or to provide tax+utility information for a specific property. We can also offer both volume and batch processing of data and/or orders.
HOA Data
The HOA Data services range from simple identification of the HOA associated with a specified property to the provision of a certificate that includes detailed information about the HOA/COA, a breakdown of all applicable association fees, current payment status information, and a list of any assessment/special assessment amounts.
Property Look-up
The Property Look-Up service provides for the completion of data profiles for our clients. Through this service, our clients can obtain additional identifiers such as parcel ID’s, addresses, etc. for a list of properties for which they may only have partial information.